Geese for Sale
Geese are actually the appropriate term for the female of the species. The appropriate term for the male of the species is called Gander, but for the sake of this article, we will continue to call them Geese. Their flocks in water are called a Gaggle and in the sky, a Skein. Geese are known for their loud noises and feces scattering parks. Contrary to what people believe, the bird can actually be very friendly and dedicated to the people it knows well.

Peacocks & Peahens (Different Colors)
- Name: .
- Posted: 03/23/2025
- Phone: (615) 948-2729
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Tennessee
2 Cameo Black Shoulder Hens (3 Years Old) $300 each Peach Black Shoulder Hen (3 Years Old) $300 Mocha Black Shoulder Pied White-Eyed Hen (2 Years Old) $400 Purple Black Shoulder Male (1 Year Old) $200 2 Opal Black Shoulder Males (2 Years...
Ducks, goose, swans
- Name: Shane Sease
- Posted: 03/19/2025
- Phone: (803)824-9124
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: South Carolina
i have the following birds available: white wood duck hens apricot wood duck hens cape shelduck drakes Ruddy shelduck hen American Black Duck pair and extra drake male Red breasted geese black swans mute swans for more information pleas...
6 year old male white mute swan for sale
- Name: Diane
- Posted: 03/08/2025
- Phone: 330-221-5039
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Ohio
We have a 6 year old male white mute swan we need to re-home. He is a great bird, and is very good about keeping away canadian geese. Looking for a good stable home for him, preferably in Ohio. Pickup only, we do not ship.

Cape barren geese pair 2023 hatch
- Name: Carlos Eluzondo
- Posted: 01/12/2025
- Phone: 704-492-7112
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: North Carolina
Cape barren geese

Cape Barron Geese pair
- Name: Carlos Elizonfo
- Posted: 01/08/2025
- Phone: 7044927112
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: North Carolina
Cape Barron geese hatch 2023, text for more info. Can arrange pickup or meet.
Nene Geese
- Name: Tony Brancato
- Posted: 12/01/2024
- Phone: 9512828280
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: California
Young adult Nene Geese,no shipping,pick-up only and only cash transaction.Serious inquiries only.These young adults are ready to breed for the first time.Text at 951 2828280

African pygmy geese
- Name: Virgil
- Posted: 11/11/2024
- Phone: 2394500034
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
African pygmy geese pairs and extra females
- Name: Papa Duck’s Farm
- Posted: 11/05/2024
- Phone: 662-404-0023
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Mississippi
Dewlap Toulouse breeder pr $300 Buff Dewlap Toulouse breeder pr $300 Buff super African 24’ pr $300 Will be attending Cookeville TN sale at end of this week 11/8 can deliver there.
Ducks, Geese
- Name: Papa Duck’s Farm
- Posted: 11/01/2024
- Phone: 662-404-0023
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Mississippi
Going to Cookeville TN auction next week 11/8 can meet at auction shipping also available 2pr breeder pair cinnamon teal $225 2pr ring teal $150pr 3pr Silver wood ducks prs $400 2pr silver drake /split hen $300 Wood duck hens $100 2pr...

Cereopsis Geese
- Name: Erich Pudwell
- Posted: 10/24/2024
- Phone: 901/870-8829
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Tennessee
Cereopsis Geese, nice large birds, hatched March 2024. 1 male, 3 females $500. each Pick up in Memphis or would consider meeting in surrounding states

Birds For Sale
- Price: $1.00
- Name: Richard Crowther
- Posted: 10/17/2024
- Phone: 5302490771
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: California
Red Breasted Geese $600 ea. Wood Ducks, $125. pr Mountain Quail $125 pr Golden Pheasants (colored) $125 pr

Redbreasted geese
- Name: Dan Meyer
- Posted: 10/10/2024
- Phone: 1 219 384 7354
- Location: Indiana
2024 hatched 4 ganders. Very well cared for and nice healthy birds. Picture of adults for reference. Call or text for more information.
Redbreasted geese
- Name: Dan Meyer
- Posted: 10/09/2024
- Phone: 12193847354
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Indiana
I have 4 young redbreasted ganders , 2024 hatch. Very well cared for, raised by the parents and in good health. Contact me by phone or email.

- Price: $100.00
- Name: Garrett Phillips
- Posted: 09/23/2024
- Phone: 4357609629
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Utah
Waterfowl for sale Cackling geese - 4 yr old proven breeding pair - 300.00 2023 hatch Blonde pintail hens - 100 each I do offer shipping weather permitted at buyers expense and birds will have fws transfer slip. If I do not answer a call,...
Snow geese Blue geese
- Price: $300.00
- Name: Jamie Mertins
- Posted: 08/28/2024
- Phone: 605 353 5132
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: South Dakota
Snows and blues ready to go to a new pond. 2022 and older birds
Types of Geese for Sale
- Egyptian Geese for Sale
- Cape Barren Geese for Sale
- Nene Geese for Sale
- Pygmy Geese for Sale
- Red Breasted Geese for Sale
- Magpie Geese for Sale
- Maned Geese for Sale
- Ross Geese for Sale
- Snow Geese for Sale
Geese Facts
Geese make great additions to farms as poultry. It's been suggested that Geese were probably the first bird kept for poultry some 3,000 years ago in Egypt. If well cared for, Geese can live to be 20 years old in captivity. Geese are one of the only domesticated poultry birds that do bond with humans. The bird will become very loyal to the one who feeds it from the time it was a chick. The bird will consider that humans its “parent” and treat them as such. Because they are loud and territorial they make great “guard dogs”. Another great quality is that they get along with most other animals kept on the farm and are considered social. Whether or not Geese are monogamous is still in question across the species, but they are sentimental and will mourn the loss of one of their mates. They may even adopt another farm animal of another species to replace a loss! Geese are quite well known for their civilized behaviors. They have a lot of notable behaviors during migration when they fly in their “V” pattern. They will honk to encourage the Geese in front of them to keep the pace, and if one falls ill or tired, a few will fall out of line with it until it dies or recuperates.
One redeeming quality that Geese have are their young. They are born capable of swimming and walking just days after birth and they are very cute to onlookers. Unfortunately for keepers, a lot of Geese will encounter problems with fertility. This could be due to the sensitivity of the bird and can be combated by providing a low number of females to each male to encourage fertile eggs. Once the female and male have mated, the female will lay one egg per day until she's reached the full clutch of about 5 eggs. The incubation period lasts approximately 28 days. They are born fluffy and yellowish, just like chicken's chicks and the life expectancy of Geese is around 25 years.
Geese are mainly herbivores and will eat grasses and other greens. Sometimes they are picky eaters and will make their preferences known. Sometimes they are given mealworms as well. At one time in history Geese were hunted so heavily that they were almost gone entirely, but their populations have made a comeback. They are currently categorized as “least concern”. There are many different species of the Goose including the Branta, Embden, Toulouse, the Chinese Goose, and more