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  • Posted On: 05/15/2010
  • Title: post
  • Name: Chris Estep
  • Location:
  • Toucan Nest Divots, We make these for any size nesting box. The toucans all use them with great success. These divots keep the eggs from rolling around. They can be made round like the bottoms of old logs or straight sided for any size wooden box. We give our Toucans the choice between a wooden box with a divot inside & a hollowed out log. We offer these for $40.00 each including shipping. We must know exact dimensions of the inside of the nesting box. This also works well when you have a bird that throws all the nesting material out and plays soccer with its eggs...
    Price is firm even if you want 20 of them. These things take time to make, and it can be messy and hard on our tools.
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