Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 12/19/2024
  • Title: Emu chicks
  • Name: Justin
  • Location: Brooksville, Florida
  • Can ship at buyers expense.


    Standard 3 weeks-1 month-125
    Standard 1-2 months- 160
    Standard 2-3 months- 200
    Standard 3-4 months- 275
    Standard 4-5 months- 350
    Standard 5-6 months- 425
    Standard 7-8 months- 500
    Standard 9-10 months- 575
    Standard 11-12 months- 650
    Standard 13-14 months- 725
    Standard 15-16+ months have ones from last year hatch will be breeding and laying this year also have proven breeders as well-800

    Blonde 3 weeks- 1 month-250
    Blonde 1-2 months-350
    Blonde 2-3 months- 475
    Blonde 3-4 months- 600
    Blonde 4-5 months- 725
    Blonde 5-6 months- 850
    Blonde 7-8 months- 975
    Blonde 9-10 months- 1100
    Blonde 11-12 months- 1225
    Blonde 13-14 months- 1350
    Blonde 15-16+months have ones from last year hatch will be breeding and laying this year also have proven breeders as well- 1500

    White 3 weeks- 1 month- 650
    White 1-2 months- 800
    White 2-3 months- 1000
    White 3-4 months-1200
    White 4-5 months-1400
    White 5-6 months- 1600
    White 7-8 months-1800
    White 9-10 months- 2000
    White 11-12 months-2200
    White 13-14 months- 2400
    White 15-16+ months have ones from last year hatch will be breeding and laying this year also have proven breeders as well- 2600
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