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  • Posted On: 02/01/2021
  • Title: Tanagers misc birds
  • Name: Alex
  • Location: Tampa, Florida
  • Green Spotted Tanager  extra male $200

    Blue Grey Tanager. extra male $100

    Silver Beaked Tanager.  Extra male $200

    Burnished Buff Tanager. Extra male $200

    Paradise Tanager.  Extra male $600

    Opal Rumped Tanager. Extra male $500

    Turquoise Tanager.  Extra male $200

    Blue and Yellow Tanager Extra male $200

    Saffron Finch.  Extra male $100

    Black Masked Dacnis.  Pair $500

    Violaceous Euponia.  Pair $500

    Tropical Mockingbird.  Extra male $200

    Yellow Green Grosbeak 1 pair $500 per pair

    Spangled Cotinga.  1 extra male $1,500

    Pompadour Cotinga. 1extra male $1,500

    Purpleish Backed Jay 1 male $700

    Red Crested Turacoà 1 male 450

    Spero Starling.  1 male 300

    Red Billed Hornbill  2 pair 800 per pair

    pickup in tampa fl only, no shipping
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