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  • Posted On: 10/28/2013
  • Title: post
  • Name: Daniel Almaguer
  • Location: Florida
  • A Guide to Pigeons, Doves & Quail: Their Management, Care and Breeding Paperback– December 1, 1995
    This title covers all species in this group available to the Australian aviculturist. Colour photography throughout is supported by precise, easy-to-read information on the care, management, health and breeding of these unique birds. Pigeon and dove species include: Wompoo Pigeon, Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove, Purple-crowned Fruit-Dove, Torres Strait Pigeon, Topknot Pigeon, White-headed Pigeon, Wonga Pigeon, Green-winged Pigeon, Brown Pigeon, Common Bronzewing, Brush Bronzewing, Crested Pigeon, Flock Pigeon, Squatter Pigeon, Partridge Pigeon, Spinifex Pigeon, Rock Pigeon, Diamond Dove, Peaceful Dove, Bar-shouldered Dove, Barbary Dove, Spotted Turtledove, Senegal Dove, Ruddy Turtledove, Masked Dove, Talpacoti Dove, Bleeding Heart Pigeon, New Guinea Ground Dove, Nicobar Pigeon, Victoria Crowned Pigeon. Quail species include: Brown, King, Stubble, Japanese, Bobwhite, Californian, Little Button, Painted Button, Black-breasted Button, Red-chested Button, Red-backed Button.
    $75.00 $5.00 shipping
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