Unrelated RH-PB-SB Gouldian Finch Pair
Unrelated RH-PB-SB Gouldian Finch Pair
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Pavel Marchuk
- Posted: 05/27/2013
- ID #10639
Hello, I am selling an Unrelated Straw Red Headed - Purple Breasted - Silver Back Gouldian Finch Breeding Pair. They were born in 2012, and have NFSS (National Finch and Softbill Society) closed bands on them. These birds are worth $250 each / $500 a pair + shipping (http://www.singing-wings-aviary.com/Currentpricelistandarrivals.htm), but I am asking $250 for the pair if you pick them up, or $300 with their cage and food and nest, and everything. They are sitting on the nest right now, but I dont think that they have eggs yet. Possible local delivery for a little extra available. If I ship them, I am asking $300 for the pair USPS Postage Paid. Shipping is available ONLY IF Payment IS MADE through Paypal. Shipping will be USPS Express (Overnight) Mail. Ship only to the lower 48 states. ALL QUESTIONS WELCOME!!! These birds have never produced any offspring, and are just about coming into breeding age. The photo is of my breeder male. The female is the same, except with a lighter purple than the male. Thanks for Looking!