Vulturine Guinea fowl for Sale

(Acryllium vulturinum)

The Vulturine Guineafowl are medium to large-sized birds that live in the Eastern Tropical African regions, such as Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, eastern Uganda, and North-east Tanzania. They prefer dwelling in dry deserts with tall grasses and patches of shrub and thorn bushes. Their bodies are primarily bright blue with black and white streaks and small spots on their feathers. They have a helmet on top of their naked heads that has horns all over them. They are named after their head's resemblance to a vulture's. This species does not display any noticeable sexual dimorphism, which means the two sexes generally look the same. Their life spans are generally 15 years.

No Vulturine Guinea fowl currently listed for placement

Vulturine Guineafowl Diet and Dwelling

Vulturine Guineafowl perch in trees at night, but this is the rare occasion they are found flying. They are excellent runners though. In the wild, you can find Vulturine Guineafowl scratching the ground for food with their feet or even climbing to low-hanging fruit. Vulturine Guineafowl can go quite a while without a source of fresh water and get plenty of their hydration from within the food sources they obtain.

Breeding Guineafowl

Vulturine Guineafowl reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 and can produce up to 40 eggs in just one breeding season! They are laid in 3 different clutches, but still. Multiple females, or hens, might take responsibility to lay and incubate the eggs. This species eggs are particularly strong and thick, so even the unhatched chick has a difficult time breaking out of its shell. Once it has, however, the bird is strong enough to fly in just a few days.


Vulturine Guineafowl are extremely aggressive birds. Even young hatchlings can be found fighting with one another. Most of the aggression is the males toward the hens. Since the species' sexes look pretty similar, you can best tell them apart by observing their posture and behavior. Males tend to hold their heads high and puff their chests, appearing to want to seem as big as possible, while the hens take a more submissive stance in the presence of the male. When any birds of this species find themselves in competition for an ideal nesting place or a food source, the results can be deadly. Their calls, when excited or alarmed, can also be very distinct and heard over long distances.

Vulturine Guineafowl In Captivity

Although the species isn't considered domesticated, they are not uncommon backyard fowl. In some parts of the world, they are called royal fowl because of how beautiful they look. Many zoos choose to keep them as well, including Seaworld, Zoo Barcelona, Exmoor Zoo, and the St. Louis Zoo.

Endangerment Status

The future of the Vulturine Guineafowl seems pretty secure, having stable populations in an extremely large range. It does not meet the criteria for being a vulnerable species and is classified as “Least Concern”. The criteria for evaluating the endangerment status of a bird-like this species, professionals examine the decline of the bird's population over 10 years or 3 generations.


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